Before you get started exploring a big new city or even just getting reacquainted with the one you live in now, make sure you aren't putting yourself in any unnecessary danger. Memorize good travele ...
Don't leave anything at home! Before you head out of the country you have to make sure you have the essentials packed. You will learn tips on how to keep your valuables safe and how to meet airline re ...
This video is provided by "Betty Sell" from AAA travels. In this video she tells about the international travel and also about the important documents to be carried while carrying out an international ...
With all the documents ready, we need to fill our wallet with money for the travel. This video discusses various ways of filling the pocket. That is how to prepare the money for international travel. ...
Betsy Sell and Tom Wilt of AAA Travel Services present this video to teach you how to plan for international travel. They teach you how to prepare the right documents, explain how to get a passport, ...
Planning your vacation? Going on a trip? You definitely do not want to be caught without all your necessary documents. In this video, the viewers will be exposed to the basic list of documents that th ...
Take a folder and organize documents based on the actions required.Actions:Personal folder: social security cards, Passport, visas, air ticketRead: organize visiting cards, Write & Mailing: thanking m ...
The organizer pouch, a flat, rectangular, often multi-compartmented, nylon bag with zipper closure(s) is a great item that is becoming hard to find. They sometimes include see-through mesh panels, and ...
This "Good Morning America" insightful video reveals the truth of hotels room, and what you can do to protect yourself. You'll meet those silent vampire'esque creatures known as bed bugs, you'll even ...